Borsa “Michele Ferrero” al Dott. Marco Lupidi

Borsa “Michele Ferrero” al Dott. Marco Lupidi

La borsa di studio che la Fondazione per la Macula Onlus ha intitolato a Michele Ferrero è stata conferita al Dott. Marco Lupidi. La borsa è finalizzata a studi sulla degenerazione maculare legata all’età, sulla corioretinopatia sierosa centrale e su altre maculopatie utilizzando l’ angiografia OCT, nuova metodica di imaging maculare di cui si è dotata recentemente la Fondazione. La borsa prevede periodi di fellowship del Dott Lupidi presso la sede operativa della Fondazione per la Macula e presso la Clinica Oculistica dell’Università di Genova.

CURRICULUM VITAE del Dott. Marco Lupidi

Nazionalità: ITALIANA

Data di nascita: 18-03-1984

Esperienza lavorativa: Da luglio 2016-posizione attualmente ricoperta- presso Clinica Oculistica, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Chirurgiche, Sezione di Oftalmologia, Ospedale S. Maria della Misericordia, S. Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia

Medico Chirurgo, Specialista in Oftalmologia in frequenza volontaria

Istruzione e formazione:

2011 – 2016
Scuola di Specializzazione c/o Clinica Oculistica di Perugia, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona

Qualifica conseguita: Diploma di Specializzazione in Oftalmologia con 50/50 e Lode (Tesi: Automated quantitative analysis of retinal microvasculature on Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography)

15 Settembre 2014 – 15 Settembre 2015                                                                              Centre Ophtalmologique de L’Odéon, Paris, France (Tutor: Prof. Gabriel Coscas)Formazione Specialistica Avanzata in Maculopatie e Retinopatie acquisite ed eredo-familiari. Medical Retina Clinical Research Fellowship

13 Ottobre 2013 – 20 Ottobre 2013
Vitreous Retina Macula Consultant of New York, NY, USA (Tutor: Dr. Michael Engelbert)Formazione Specialistica Avanzata in Maculopatie e Retinopatie acquisite ed eredo-familiari. Short Term Observership

2003 – 2009
Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Perugia. Formazione medica di base, con tirocinio elettivo c/o Clinica Oculistica dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche a partire dall’AA 2007/2008. Qualifica conseguita: Dottore magistrale con valutazione di 110/110 e Lode (Tesi: Riproducibilità di misurazione dello spessore retinico in pazienti con edema maculare diabetico mediante l’uso di OCT Spectralis)

1998 – 2003
Liceo Scientifico “G.Marconi”, Foligno, PG. Diploma di Maturità Scientifica.

Madrelingua: Italiano

Altre lingue: Inglese: capacità di lettura scrittura e espressione orale eccellenti. Francese: capacità di lettura e espressione orale eccellenti, capacità di scrittura buona.

Capacità e competenze relazionali: Riconosciuta attitudine al team leading, ama relazionarsi con i colleghi esaltandone le doti personali e collocandone le competenze nel gruppo al fine di una ottimizzazione produttiva di alto livello.
Dedica il proprio tempo alla comprensione delle differenze interculturali e sociali per una perfetta integrazione di coloro che ne vengono a contatto.

Capacità e competenze organizzative: Attitudine al coordinamento organizzativo in ambito interdisciplinare tra diverse aree di ricerca.

Capacità e competenze tecniche: Eccellente conoscenza dei sistemi operativi Heidelberg Engineering, Topcon, Zeiss, Optovue (Imaging angiografico oculare e tomografia a coerenza ottica) e dei laser in oftalmologia, in particolare di applicazione retinica. Ottima conoscenza dei software del pacchetto Microsoft Office e dei sistemi operativi Apple.



• Membro della “Società Oftalmologica Italiana (SOI)” dal 2010.
• Membro della “American Academy of Ophthalmology” (AAO) dal 2012.
• Membro della “Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology” (ARVO) dal 2012. •   Membro della “Société Française d’Ophtalmologie” (SFO) dal 2014.
• Membro della “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR) dal 2014.
• Membro di “EURETINA, European Society of Retina Specialists” dal 2012
• Membro di “EVER, European Association for Vision and Eye Research” dal 2015.
• Socio Ordinario del “Gruppo Italiano di Chirurgia Vitreo-Retinica-Givre” dal 2016.


CRFB002DIT01: 2012-2014 (concluso) SPONSOR: NOVARTIS


CRFB002AIT02: 2013-2015 (concluso) SPONSOR: NOVARTIS





– Vincitore del “Mario Laureati Award” nel Giugno 2010 per la miglior tesi in medicina e chirurgia.

– Vincitore del primo premio “Ordine dei medici chirurghi ed odontoiatri di Perugia” nel Novembre 2010 per il miglior corso di studi universitari e miglior tesi in medicina e chirurgia.

– Vincitore del “French Retina Society Award” nel Gennaio 2016 per “important achievements in retinal clinical research”.

– Vincitore del “Società Italiana Laser in Oftalmologia (S.I.L.O.) / ARVO Travel Grant” nel Febbraio 2016 per “Best Poster presented”.

– Vincitore del “Fondazione Macula Onlus – Michele Ferrero Award” nell’Agosto 2016 per “important achievements in retinal and macular clinical research”


• Heidelberg Engineering (Heidelberg, Germany)

• International Retina Panel (IRP) Member (Representative for Italy) 2016-2019 (Allergan, Dublin, Irelamd)



1. Investigative in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (ARVO, USA)
2. Retina Journal, The Journal for Retinal and Vitreous Diseases (Wolters-Kluwer Health, USA) 3. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation (Taylor & Francis Group)



1) Instructional Course. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. EURETINA meeting 2015. Nice, September 2015.

2) Special Interest Symposium. Update on Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. EVER meeting 2015. Nice, 7- 10 October 2015.

3) International Societies Symposia (ISS). OCT-Angiography: From Theory to Practice European Association for Vision and Eye Research Symposium (EVER) at EURETINA meeting 2016. Copenhagen, 8 September 2016.


1) “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting, 10th January 2015, Paris, France. 2) “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting, 11th May 2015, Paris, France.
3) “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting, 16 January 2016, Paris, France. 4) “Macular Imaging and Therapies Symposium” (MITS), 22-23 April 2016, Perugia, Italy. 5) “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting, 10th May 2016, Paris, France.


1) Repeatability of Retinal Macular Thickness Measurements in Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema Using Two Different Scanning Protocols of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography. Laureando: Silvia Manes.
A.A. 2009/2010

2) Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the ophthalmic insert Mydriasert in patients undergoing retinal angiography. Laureando: Angelo Pascale. AA 2010/2011

3) Automated Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature In Diabetic Patients On Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Laureando: Giorgio Ascoli AA 2015/2016

4) Automated Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature In Normal Eyes On Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Laureando: Elisa Spaccini AA 2015/2016


1) Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. “Atlas of OCT-Angiography in AMD: Comparison with Multimodal Imaging”, 2015, L’Europeénne Editions, Paris, France.

2) Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. “Atlas of OCT-Angiography in Diabetic Maculopathy”, 2016, L’Europeénne Editions, Paris, France. In press.

3) Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. “OCT-Angiography in Pathologic Myopia”, 2016, Rapport Annuel de la Société Tunisienne d’Ophtalmologie. Pag.171-185

4) Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. OCT Angiography in Retinal and Macular diseases, Bandello, Souied, Querques, “Developments in Ophthalmology”, Vol.56 (DOI: 442774-5-6), Karger, Germany


  1. 1)  Cagini C, Piccinelli F, Lupidi M, Messina M, Cerquaglia A, Manes S, Fiore T, Pellegrino RM. Ocular penetration of topical antibiotics: study on the penetration of chloramphenicol, tobramycin and netilmicin into the anterior chamber after topical administration. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2013 Sep-Oct;41(7):644-7. (doi: 10.1111/ceo.12087.)

  2. 2)  Fiore T, Androudi S, Iaccheri B, Lupidi M, Giansanti F, Fruttini D, Biondi L, Cagini C. Repeatability and reproducibility of retinal thickness measurements in diabetic patients with spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Curr Eye Res. 2013 Jun;38(6):674-9. (doi: 10.3109/02713683.2013.781191.)

  3. 3)  Cagini C, Di Pasquale G, Lupidi M, Cerquaglia A, Pascale A, Boccolucci A, Fiore T. Timolol 0.1% gel versus timolol 0.5% eyedrops in the prophylaxis of ocular hypertension after phacoemulsification surgery. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2014 Nov-Dec; 24(6):857-61. (doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000472.)

  4. 4)  Cagini C, Pietrolucci F, Lupidi M, Messina M, Piccinelli F, Fiore T. Influence of pseudophakic lens capsule opacification on spectral domain and time domain optical coherence tomography image quality. Curr Eye Res. 2015 May;40(6):579-84. (doi: 10.3109/02713683.2014.941069.)

  5. 5)  Cagini C, Piccinelli F, Lupidi M, Messina M, Cerquaglia A, Manes S, Fiore T, Pellegrino RM. Penetration of topical chloramphenicol into the anterior chamber: response. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2015 Jul;43(5):494. (doi: 10.1111/ceo.12471.)

  6. 6)  Cagini C, Iannone A, Fiore T, Lupidi M, Spadea L. Post-operative endophthalmitis caused by Acremonium falciforme with orbital and extra-orbital involvement following combined cataract and glaucoma surgery: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2014 Nov 19;8:373. (doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-8-373.)

  1. 7)  Cagini C, Pasquale GD, Lupidi M, Cerquaglia A, Boccolucci A, Fiore T. Correcting timolol prescribing in glaucoma management. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2015 Apr 2:0. (doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000611.)

  2. 8)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Androudi S, Giansanti F, Fruttini D, Cagini C. Repeatability of Retinal Macular Thickness Measurements in Healthy Subjects and Diabetic Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema: Evaluation of the Follow-Up System of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography. Ophthalmologica. 2015; 233(3-4):186-91. (doi: 10.1159/000380832.)

  3. 9)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Benjelloun F, Zerbib J, Dirani A, Semoun O, Souied EH. Toward a specific classification of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: idiopathic disease or subtype of age-related macular degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 May;56(5):3187-95. (doi: 10.1167/iovs.14-16236.)

  4. 10)  Cagini C, Di Pasquale G, Lupidi M, Cerquaglia A, Boccolucci A, Fiore T. Author’s Replay: Correcting timolol prescribing in glaucoma management. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2015 May 25;25(4):e58. (doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000611.)

  5. 11)  Coscas F, Coscas G, Lupidi M, Dirani A, Srour M, Semoun O, Français C, Souied EH. Restoration of Outer Retinal Layers After Aflibercept Therapy in Exudative AMD: Prognostic Value. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Jun;56(6):4129-34. (doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-16735.)

  6. 12)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Androudi S, Giansanti F, Fruttini D, Cagini C. Repeatability of Retinal Macular Thickness Measurements in Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema Using Two Different Scanning Protocols of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography. Ophthalmologica. 2015 Jul 21. (doi: 10.1159/000435841.)

  7. 13)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Français C, Cagini C, Souied EH. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography during Follow-Up: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Mixed Type I and II Choroidal Neovascularization after Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Trap Therapy. Ophthalmic Res. 2015;54(2):57- 63. (doi: 10.1159/000433547.)

  1. 14)  Cagini C, Messina M, Lupidi M, Piccinelli F, Fiore T, Fruttini D, Spadea L.Posterior Corneal Surface Stability after Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Keratomileusis. J Ophthalmol. 2015;2015:184850. doi: 10.1155/2015/184850. Epub 2015 Sep 21.

  2. 15)  Coscas F, Glacet-Bernard A, Miere A, Caillaux V, Uzzan J, Lupidi M, Coscas G, Souied EH. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Retinal Vein Occlusion: Evaluation of Superficial and Deep Capillary Plexa. Am J Ophthalmol. 2015 Oct 23. pii: S0002-9394(15)00636-4. (doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2015.10.008.)

  3. 16)  Coscas GJ, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Cagini C, Souied EH. OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY ANGIOGRAPHY VERSUS TRADITIONAL MULTIMODAL IMAGING IN ASSESSING THE ACTIVITY OF EXUDATIVE AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION: A New Diagnostic Challenge. Retina. 2015 Nov;35(11):2219-28. (doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000000766.)

  4. 17)  Cagini C, Piccinelli F, Lupidi M, Messina M, Cerquaglia A, Manes S, Fiore T, Pellegrino RM. Penetration of topical chloramphenicol into the anterior chamber: response. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2015 Jul;43(5):494. doi: 10.1111/ceo.12471.

  5. 18)  Lupidi M, Coscas G, Cagini C, Coscas F. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of a Choroidal Neovascularization in Adult Onset Foveomacular Vitelliform Dystrophy: Pearls and Pitfalls. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Dec 1;56(13):7638-45. doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-17603.

  6. 19)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Optical Coherence Tomographic Angiography in Diabetic Macular Ischemia: A New Step Forward. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2016 Jan 21:1-2. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2015.4821.

  7. 20)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Healthy Subjects. Dev Ophthalmol. 2016;56:37-44. doi: 10.1159/000442775. Epub 2016 Mar 15.

  8. 21)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Image Analysis of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Dev Ophthalmol. 2016;56:30-6. doi: 10.1159/000442774. Epub 2016 Mar 15.

  1. 22)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Heidelberg Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: Technical Aspects. Dev Ophthalmol. 2016;56:1-5. doi: 10.1159/000442768. Epub 2016 Mar 15.

  2. 23)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Cagini C, Fiore T, Spaccini E, Fruttini D, Coscas G. Automated Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature In Normal Eyes On Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Am J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun 10. pii: S0002-9394(16)30272-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2016.06.008.

  3. 24)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Cagini C, Coscas F. ‘False-friend’ images on optical coherence tomography angiography: early choroidal neovascularization or artifact? ACTA Ophthalmologica. 2016 Jun. doi: 10.1111/aos.13078.

  4. 25)  Fiore T, Pellegrino A, Lupidi M, Cerquaglia A, Giansanti F, Cagini C. Hypotonic maculopathy secondary to scleral defect in atypical retinochoroidal coloboma. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jul 16:0. doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000828.

  5. 26)  Cerquaglia A, Iaccheri B, Fiore T, Lupidi M, Torroni G, Fruttini, D, Giacalone C, Cagini C. Full-thickness choroidal thinning as a feature of Fuchs Uveitis Syndrome: quantitative evaluation of the choroid by enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography in a cohort of consecutive patients. Graefe’s Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophtalmology. 2016 August. In press.

  6. 27)  Cerquaglia A, Lupidi M, Iaccheri B, Fiore T, Perri P, Cagini C. Deep inside Multifocal Choroiditis: an optical coherence tomography angiography approach. International Ophtalmology. 2016 August. In press.


1) Cagini C, Piccinelli F, Tosi G, Bartolini A, Riccitelli F, Lupidi M, Garritano A, Pieri A. Studio preliminare sulla penetrazione di antibiotici in camera anteriore dopo somministrazione topica. VISCOCHIRURGIA. Anno XXVII – N.1/2012


  1. 1)  Giordanelli A, Lupidi M, Fiore T, Caricato A, Cerquaglia A, Pieri A, Garritano A, Cagini C. Caso Clinico Di Papillopatia Diabetica: Approcci Terapeutici. XXVIII Congresso Annuale della Società Italiana Laser In Oftalmologia. Cortina D’Ampezzo, 26-28 Gennaio 2012. [presenting author]

  2. 2)  Tosi G, Cagini C, Dragoni A, Lupidi M, Garritano A, Iannone A, Cerquaglia A. Confronto degli effetti di Timololo 0.5% gel e Timololo 0.5% gocce sulla pressione intraoculare dopo l’intervento chirurgico di cataratta (fcoemulsificazione). 10° Congresso Internazionale SOI (Società Oftalmologica Italiana). Milano, 23-26 Maggio 2012.

  3. 3)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Cagini C, Coscas G. Automated Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature In Normal Eyes On Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. XXVII Congresso Nazionale GIVRE. Trieste, 16-18 Giugno 2016. [presenting author]

  4. 4)  Fiore T, Pellegrino A, Lupidi M, Cerquaglia A, Giansanti F, Cagini C. Hypotonic maculopathy secondary to scleral defect in atypical retinochoroidal coloboma. XXVII Congresso Nazionale GIVRE. Trieste, 16-18 Giugno 2016.


  1. 1)  Fiore T, Biondi L, Iaccheri B, Lupidi M, Cagini C. Macular Measurement Repeatability and Reproducibility of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema. 10th EURETINA Congress. Paris, 2-5 September 2010.

  2. 2)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Caricato A, Cerquaglia A, Pieri A, Iannone A, Cagini C. Repeatability of Retinal Macular Thickness Measurements in Healthy Subjects and Diabetic Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema: Evaluation of the Follow-Up System of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography. 12th EURETINA Congress. Milan, 6-9 September 2012. [presenting author]

  1. 3)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Iaccheri B, Cerquaglia A, Manes S, Garritano A, Cagini C. Repeatability of Retinal Macular Thickness Measurements in Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema Using Two Different Scanning Protocols of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography. 12th EURETINA Congress. Milan, 6-9 September 2012. [presenting author]

  2. 4)  Lupidi M, Iannone A, Fiore T, Caricato A, Cerquaglia A, Pellegrino A, Cagini C. Evaluation of retinal and choroidal thickness variation after uncomplicated cataract surgery: a pilot study. 11° Congresso Internazionale Società Oftalmologica Italiana (SOI). Milano, 15-18 Maggio 2013. [presenting author]

  3. 5)  Lupidi M, Iannone A, Fiore T, Caricato A, Cerquaglia A, Pellegrino A, Cagini C. Evaluation of retinal and choroidal thickness variation after uncomplicated cataract surgery: a pilot study. 13th EURETINA Congress. Hamburg, 26-29 September 2013. [presenting author]

  4. 6)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Français C, Souied EH. Restoration of Outer Retinal Layers After Aflibercept Therapy in Exudative AMD: Prognostic Value. 38th Annual Meeting of The Macula Society. Scottsdale, AR, USA, 25-28 February 2015.

  5. 7)  Lupidi M, Coscas G, Coscas F, Dirani A, Zerbib J, Benjelloul F, Semoun O, Souied EH. Vers une classification précise des vasculopathies polipoidales choroïdiennes: entité idiopathique ou sous-type des néovaisseaux type I de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge. 121° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 9-12 May 2015. [presenting author]

  6. 8)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. OCT-Angiography versus Traditional Multimodal Imaging in Exudative AMD. 12th ISOPT Clinical – The International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Berlin, Germany, 9-12 July 2015.

  7. 9)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Giovannini A, Cagini C, Coscas G. Doubtful case on OCT-Angiography: Early CNV or artifact? MACULART Meeting. Paris, 28-30 June 2015. [presenting author]

  8. 10)  Giovannini A, Lupidi M, Saitta A, Mariotti C. Combined therapy for refractory polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. MACULART Meeting. Paris, 28-30 June 2015. [presenting author]

  1. 11)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Cagini C, Fiore T, Coscas G. OCT-A of CNV in Adult Onset Foveomacular Vitelliform Distrophy: pearls and pitfalls. 13th International Spectralis Symposium (ISS). Valencia, Spain, 16-17 October 2015. [presenting author]

  2. 12)  Lupidi M, Coscas G, Coscas F, Benjelloun F, Zerbib J, Dirani A, Semoun O, Souied EH. Toward a specific classification of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: idiopathic disease or subtype of age-related macular degeneration. 15th EURETINA Congress. Nice, France, 17-20 September 2015. [presenting author]

  3. 13)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Torroni G, Cerquaglia A, Iaccheri B, Cagini C. Small gauge pars plana vitrectomy for endophthalmitis after cataract surgery: Clinical and spectral domain OCT findings. 15th EURETINA Congress. Nice, France, 17-20 September 2015.

  4. 14)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. OCT-A and diabetic macular microvascular changes. Third International OCT-Angiography and En-Face OCT Congress. Rome, 11-12 December 2015.

  5. 15)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. OCT-Angiography versus traditional multimodal imaging in assessing activity of CNV in exudative AMD. Third International OCT-Angiography and En-Face OCT Congress. Rome, 11-12 December 2015.

  6. 16)  Coscas F, Glacet-Bernand A, Lupidi M, Coscas G, Souied EH. OCT-A in retinal vein occlusions. Third International OCT-Angiography and En-Face OCT Congress. Rome, 11-12 December 2015.

  7. 17)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Torroni G, Cerquaglia A, Iaccheri B, Cagini C. Small gauge pars plana vitrectomy for endophthalmitis after cataract surgery: Clinical and spectral domain OCT findings. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 16th January 2016.

  8. 18)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Detection of Choroidal Neovascularization complicating Adult Onset Foveomacular Vitelliform Distrophy with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: Pearls and Pitfalls. 39th Annual Meeting of The Macula Society. Miami Beach, FLA, USA, 24-27 February 2016.

  1. 19)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Détection des NVC compliquant la dystrophie vitelliforme fovéomaculaire de l’adulte en OCT-Angiography: succès et pièges. 122° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 7-10 May 2016.

  2. 20)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Approche qualitative et quantitative de la maculopathie diabétique: évaluation à OCT-A. SFR-Mai pendant le 122° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 7-10 May 2016.

  3. 21)  Coscas F, Lupidi M, Coscas G. OCT-A, redresseur de diagnostic? SFR-Mai pendant le 122° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 7-10 May 2016.

  4. 22)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of retinal vascular impairment in diabetic maculopathy: an OCT-Angiography assessment. XXXth Meeting of the Club Jules Gonin. Bordeaux, France, 6-9 July 2016.

  5. 23)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Coscas G. OCT-Angiography assessment of CNV evolution in treated exudative AMD: an analysis based on activity criteria. XXXth Meeting of the Club Jules Gonin. Bordeaux, France, 6-9 July 2016. [presenting author]

  6. 24)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Cagini C, Coscas G. Automated Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature In Normal Eyes On Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. XVI EURETINA Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-11 September 2016. [presenting author]


1) Lupidi M, Cagini C. La Correzione Chirurgica della Presbiopia. X Corso SOU (Società Oftalmologi Universitari). Pescara, 5-7 Settembre 2014. [presenting author]

2) Lupidi M, Cagini C, Giovannini A, Coscas G. Angiografia-OCT. I Martedì della Clinica: corsi di aggiornamento teorico-pratici. La Retina. Perugia, 16 Settembre 2015. [presenting author]

  1. 3)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Cagini C, Giovannini A, Coscas G. OCT-Angiography in Diabetic Maculopathy. Congresso Annuale STUEMO: Focal Points in Oftalmologia. Rimini, 25-26 Settembre 2015. [presenting author]

  2. 4)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Cagini C, Giovannini A, Coscas G. Simposio SOI: Terapie Endovitreali. Angio-OCT in EMD: Strategie Terapeutiche Correlate. 95° Congresso Nazionale Società Oftalmologica Italiana. Roma, 25- 28 Novembre 2015. [presenting author]


  1. 1)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Français C, Coscas G. Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy and focal choroidal excavation: true association or coincidence? “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 10th January 2015. [presenting author]

  2. 2)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Angio-OCT versus imagerie conventionelle: diagnostic et traitment dans la DMLA. SFR-Mai pendant le 121° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 9-12 May 2015. [presenting author]

  3. 3)  Coscas F, Dirani A, Lupidi M, Coscas G. Critères d’activité des néo vaisseaux en Angio-OCT. SFR-Mai pendant le 121° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 9-12 May 2015. [presenting author]

  4. 4)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Fiore T, Cagini C, Coscas G. Revue de littérature 2014-2015 sur Angio-OCT. SFR-Mai pendant le 121° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 9-12 May 2015. [presenting author]

  5. 5)  Lupidi M, Coscas F Coscas G. New Developments in OCT-Angiography: Angio-OCT & DMLA (Diagnosis and Post Treatment Follow-up). EVER meeting 2015. Nice, 7-10 October 2015. [presenting author]

  6. 6)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Lessons Taught By Imaging About Atrophy In Retional Diseases: OCT- Angiography of the Choriocapillaris and the Choroid. EVER meeting 2015. Nice, 7-10 October 2015. [presenting author]

  1. 7)  Lupidi M. OCT-A case reports. Third International OCT-Angiography and En-Face OCT Congress. Rome, 11-12 December 2015. [presenting author]

  2. 8)  Lupidi M, Coscas G, Coscas F. OCT-A of CNV in Adult Onset Foveomacular Vitelliform Distrophy. Third International OCT-Angiography and En-Face OCT Congress. Rome, 11-12 December 2015. [presenting author]

  3. 9)  Lupidi M, Coscas G, Cagini C, Coscas F. OCT-A of CNV in Adult Onset Foveomacular Vitelliform Distrophy. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 16th January 2016. [presenting author]

  4. 10)  Lupidi M. Angio-OCT et oedeme maculaire diabétique. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 16th January 2016. [presenting author]

  5. 11)  Lupidi M. Angio-OCT in macular diseases. Debates de Oftalmologia do Hospital da Arrabida. Porto, Portugal, 20 February 2016. [presenting author]

  6. 12)  Lupidi M. Introduction to OCT2, OCT-A and Clinical Cases of Multy-Modality. Korean International Spectralis Symposium (KISS). Seoul, Korea, 31st March 2016. [presenting author]

  7. 13)  Lupidi M. Introduction to OCT2, OCT-A and Clinical Cases of Multy-Modality. Korean International Spectralis Symposium (KISS).Busan, Korea, 1st April 2016. [presenting author]

  8. 14)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Cagini C, Coscas G. OCT Angiography in Retinal Vascular Diseases. Macular Imaging and Therapies Symposium” (MITS), 22-23 April 2016, Perugia, Italy. [presenting author]

  9. 15)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Cagini C, Coscas G. OCT Angiography: Advanced Imaging Analysis. Macular Imaging and Therapies Symposium” (MITS), 22-23 April 2016, Perugia, Italy. [presenting author]

  1. 16)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Cagini C, Coscas G. Angiografia-OCT e Sindromi dell’Interfaccia Vitreoretinica. Macular Imaging and Therapies Symposium” (MITS), 22-23 April 2016, Perugia, Italy. [presenting author]

  2. 17)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Coscas G. From the Images to the Data: How to perform an Automated Quantitative analysis. SFR-Mai pendant le 122° Congrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie. Paris, 7-10 May 2016. [presenting author]

  3. 18)  Lupidi M, Saitta A, Giovannini A. Menagement of exudative maculopathies: a focus on idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. GOA Retina. Genova, 27-28 May 2016. [presenting author]

  4. 19)  Lupidi M. OCT-Angiography: The Game Changer. Clinical Research Symposia: XXXIV European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS), Copenhagen, 10-14 September 2016. [presenting author]

  5. 20)  Lupidi M. OCT-A: physics, instruments and limits of clinical application. European Association for Vision and Eye Research Symposium (EVER) at XVI EURETINA Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-11 September 2016. [presenting author]


  1. 1)  Celi F, Egidi A, Fornaro F, Lupidi M, Moretti C, Nasetti M, Scattoni R, Lupidi M. Network Regionale Umbro dell’Urgenza-Emergenza Pediatrica. 6° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Emergenza Urgenza Pediatrica. Trieste, 18-20 Settembre 2008.

  2. 2)  Scattoni R, Celi F, Egidi A, Fornaro F, Lupidi M, Moretti C, Nasetti M, Lupidi M. Asimmetria Facciale Nel Pianto: Descrizione di 16 Casi Clinici e Follow-up Pluriennale. 64° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Di Pediatria. Genova, 15-18 Ottobre 2008.

  3. 3)  Lupidi M, Cabiati G, Celi F, Egidi A, Fornaro F, Lupidi M, Moretti C, Nasetti M, Scattoni R, Dollfus LE. Dermatosi Bollosa Lineare ad IgA: Descrizione Di Un Caso Clinico In Un Lattante Di 5 Mesi. 64° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Di Pediatria. Genova, 15-18 Ottobre 2008.

  1. 4)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Iaccheri B, Tosi G, Fruttini D, Cagini C. Repeatability of Retinal Macular Thickness Measurements in Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema Using Two Different Scanning Protocols of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography. ARVO 2012, Fort Lauderdale, Fla, USA, 6-10 May 2012. P.151

  2. 5)  Lupidi M, Fiore T, Iaccheri B, Caricato A, Cerquaglia A, Fruttini D, Cagini C. Repeatability of Retinal Macular Thickness Measurements in Healthy Subjects and Diabetic Patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema: Evaluation of the Follow-Up System of Spectralis Optical Coherence Tomography. ARVO 2012, Fort Lauderdale, Fla, USA, 6-10 May 2012. P.78

  3. 6)  Coscas F, Lupidi M, Français C, Krivosic V, Favard C, Coscas G. Aspects AngioOCT-2 des OMV en Spectralis. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 10th January 2015. P.7

  4. 7)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Français C, Krivosic V, Favard C, Coscas G. Imagerie conventionelle versus AngioOCT- 2 Spectralis: une nouvelle approche des vaisseaux rétiniens et choroidiens. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 10th January 2015. P.7

  5. 8)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Coscas G. Conventional Multimodal Imaging Versus “En-Face” OCT2 Angiography: Deep Inside Chorioretina Vascular Tissue. ARVO 2015, Denver, Col, USA, 3-7 May 2015. P.229

  6. 9)  Coscas F, Coscas G, Lupidi M, Dirani A, Srour M, Semoun O, Français C, Souied EH. Recovery of Ellipsoid Zone After Aflibercept Therapy in Exudative Age Related Macular Degeneration. ARVO 2015, Denver, Col, USA, 3-7 May 2015. P.356

  7. 10)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Krivosic V, Favard C, Francais C, Souied EH. Usual Multimodal Imaging Versus “En-Face” OCT2 Angiography: A new semiologic approach in healthy and AMD patients. ARVO 2015, Denver, Col, USA, 3-7 May 2015. P.385

  8. 11)  Coscas F, Coscas G, Dirani A, Lupidi M, Srour M, Semoun O, Francais C, Souied EH. Restoration of outer retinal layers after Aflibercept therapy for exudative AMD: prognostic value. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 16th January 2016.

  1. 12)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F. Critères d’activité des NVC de la DMLA. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 16th January 2016.

  2. 13)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Francais C, Cagini C. OCT-Angiography during follow-up: Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of mixed CNV, TypeI-II, after Aflibercept therapy. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 16th January 2016.

  3. 14)  Lupidi M, Coscas F, Fiore T, Cagini C, Coscas G. OCT-Angiography assessment of CNV evolution in treated exudative AMD: an analysis based on activity criteria. ARVO 2016, Seattle, Wash, USA, 1-5 May 2016. P.133

  4. 15)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Cagini C, Coscas G. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of retinal vascular impairment due to epiretinal membrane: an OCT-Angiography analysis. ARVO 2016, Seattle, Wash, USA, 1-5 May 2016. P.134

  5. 16)  Coscas G, Lupidi M, Fiore T, Cagini C, Coscas F. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of retinal vascular impairment in diabetic maculopathy: an OCT-Angiography assessment. ARVO 2016, Seattle, Wash, USA, 1-5 May 2016. P.228

  6. 17)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Torroni G, Cerquaglia A, Iaccheri B, Cagini C. Small gauge pars plana vitrectomy for endophthalmitis after cataract surgery: Clinical and spectral domain OCT findings. XXVII Congresso Nazionale GIVRE. Trieste, 16-18 Giugno 2016.

  7. 18)  Fiore T, Lupidi M, Coscas F, Cagini C, Coscas G. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of retinal vascular impairment due to epiretinal membrane: an OCT-Angiography analysis. XVI EURETINA Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-11 September 2016. P.99


  1. 1)  Lupidi M. Comment Je traite et avec quelles imageries? Heidelberg Engineering Atelier. “Société Française de Rétine” (SFR), Annual meeting. Paris, France, 16th January 2016.

  2. 2)  Lupidi M. Heidelberg Spectalis OCT-Angiography and Multimodality. Heidelberg Meeting 2016. Heidelberg, Germany, 3rd March 2016.

  3. 3)  Lupidi M. Heidelberg Spectalis OCT-Angiography. Corso base di Angiografia-OCT. Roma, 17 Giugno 2016.